Fundamentals of Police Psychology (Certificate).Fundamentals of Military and Veterans Psychology (Certificate).Fundamentals of Correctional Psychology w/ Assessment (Certificate).Fundamentals of Correctional Psychology (Certificate).Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies (Certificate).Psychology, Public Policy and Law (PhD).

Special Education Teaching (Certificate).Secondary School Teaching (Certificate).Elementary School Teaching (Certificate).Educational Leadership and Management (EdD).Administrative Services Credential (Credential).School Psychology with PPS Credential (EdS).School Pyschology with PPS Credential (MAE).School Psychology with PPS Credential (Credential).School Counseling with PPS Credential (EdS).School Counseling with PPS Credential (MAE).School Counseling with PPS Credential (Credential).California School Counseling & Psychology.California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL), Leading to CLAD Certificate (Certificate).Education Specialist Instruction, Mild/Moderate Disabilities (Credential).LGBT Human Services and Mental Health (Certificate).Doctoral Respecialization in Clinical Psychology (Certificate).Industrial and Organization Psychology (PhD).Clinical Psychology (PsyD), San Francisco Bay Area.Clinical Psychology (PsyD), Los Angeles.Clinical Psychology (PhD), San Francisco Bay Area.Clinical Psychopharmacology Postdoctoral (MS).